NXT UK HITS & MISSES 2/11: Satomura’s debut, Supernova Sessions miss, and Seven’s weight cut


(Photo credit Andrew Pollard)


Isla Dawn vs Meiko Satomura – HIT

This was the first match on this brand and the first match since the Mae Young Classics for the “Final Boss” Meiko Satomura. The match started very technical with hard hits mixed in. Isla Dawn took over the first part of the match until Satomura started to her bearings and work her way into some momentum. This was a longer showcase for Meiko and she hit it out of the park.

Supernova Sessions featuring Sha Samuels – MISS

First off, this segment will always be a miss in my book. This was all about Sha Samuels and him talking about how he was taken as a joke. Really, the whole session was a joke and not worth talking about it due to its lack of direction. Segments like this don’t fit with the tone of the brand and fit better on the main roster.

Trent Seven Video Package – HIT

This was a continuation of documenting Seven’s journey in finding his next move in NXT UK. I liked that he talked about and defined what losing this weight to get to 205 means to him and his career. Its a smart booking strategy to give talents a goal to focus on and allow them to tell the people why its important. It creates an investment in the journey from the audience.

Amale vs Piper Niven – HIT

Every time Piper Niven gets in the ring it’s a joy to see. The match was a quick match to get her on TV and to build her next feud. Before the match started, Joseph Conners came out to the ring to scout Jinny, There wasn’t any distractions by him to outright help her, but it was curious nonetheless. The match ended exactly how you would think and everything culminated with a staredown between Piper and Joseph.

Andrews & Webster vs Dennis & Primate in a Street Fight – HIT

The start of the match with Dennis & Primate attacking the faces before they made their entrance was exciting. Andrews was taken out and left in the back which forced Webster to be in the match alone. Andrews made his way out to make the save for Webster by flipping off the top of a big platform. From that moment forward, the match heated up. All four guys beat each other up in this match and was was a fun tag team street fight overall.

NOW CHECK OUT THIS WEEK’S NXT UK TV REPORT: 2/11 NXT UK TV REPORT: Meiko Satomura debuts and big street fight main event

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