AUGUST 15, 2017
Announcers: Vic Joseph and Corey Graves
– Footage plays from Monday Night Raw. Shows the shocking moment that Akira Tozawa defeated Neville and became the new WWE Cruiserweight Champion. In the words of Michael Cole “Tozawa has shocked the world tonight.”
– Tonight Titus Worldwide will present Akira Tozawa’s Championship Celebration.
– Vic Joseph welcomes us to 205 Live
(1) Cedric Alexander & Gran Metalik vs. Tony Nese & Drew Gulak
Cedric is the first to make his way to the ring followed by his partner Gran Metalik. Tony Nese is next to make his way to the ring, standing in the spotlight once more to show of his premier physique. Drew Gulak is his partner this evening, no longer carrying his ‘No Fly Zone’ sign. Gulak opens up on the mic, puts over Tony Nese and tells us it was his idea for the tag team match.
Alexander and Tony Nese start us off. Much like last week, after the initial tie up, Nese drops to one knee and poses to show off his bicep peak. Both men go back in forth in exchanges of running the ropes and jumping over, hip toss and a leg sweep each. Cedric gains the upper hand with a back flip into a head scissor take down, goes for the dropkick but Nese holds on to the rope to avoid. In comes Gulak now, who catches the dropkick meant for Nese. Alexander gets a one count, drags Gulak to the corner and tags in Metalik. ‘The King of the ropes’ lives up his name with high and quick offense, Gulak doesn’t know which way he is going. Metalik and Cedric complete multiple tags to keep Gulak in their corner. Gulak finally makes the tag to Nese, who does not fair much better and is downed again by the ring rope offence of Gran Metalik. Nese rolls to the outside for solace but is followed Metalik after he walked the top rope into a moonsault to the outside which takes out the ‘premier athlete’. The crowd loved that. The camera doesn’t quite catch what happens but Gulak ends up down outside to after Alexander came off the apron.
Tony Nese is rolled back in, Metalik attempts a springboard of sorts but is caught by his opponent who drops him with a gut-buster for the near fall. Tony’s frustration is now clear to see as he lays in the boots to the chest of Gran Metalik. Nese attempts a superplex but it hung up on the top rope split legged, the luchador shows his innovation once more by executing a top rope hurricanrana. Again the crowd are loving this high risk moments. Metalik gets the hot tag to Alexander who bursts in like a house on fire, multiple clotheslines and a twirling enziguiri rocks Gulak. Cedric connects with a kick to the back of Drew’s head in the corner and follows up with a big boot to Nese on the apron. Alexander hits Gulak with a stiff back elbow and his patented handspring in to the rope then kick to the face, near fall as Nese breaks up the pin. The match descends in to a tag team free-for-all with bodies flying everywhere, ending with Gulak being Lumbar Checked and Alexander gets the pin.
WINNERS: Cedric Alexander and Gran Metalik
(Analysis: Good paced match to start the show. More high flying offence that the show was originally focussed on and got the crowd excited. I think we will see variations of these four in matches in the coming weeks.)
– Cameras cut to backstage where Noam Dar is talking about Tozawa’s Championship win with Ariya Daivari and Lince Dorado. Dar calls Tozawa “a dafty” and Daivari comments on how they are happy Neville lost. Whilst praising the loss of Neville, the former Cruiserweight Champion appeared. Neville showed a despondent and aggravated look across his face, all three men swiftly left the locker room, just before Neville threw a chair in the locker room in frustration.
– Titus is shown on his cell phone making last minute plans for Tozawa’s Championship Celebration presented by Titus Worldwide.
– Advertisement plays to build up SummerSlam and the WWE Championship match between Jinder Mahal and Shinsuke Nakamura.
(2) The Brian Kendrick vs. Mustafa Ali
The Brian Kendrick makes his way to the ring with a very paranoid demeanour. Kendrick, who has been subject to multiple attacks by Jack Gallagher, repeatedly checked behind him and then under the ring. His opponent Mustafa Ali enters next. Ali makes the point to tell Kendrick to focus on him right now.
The bell sounds and Brian is still watching his back for Jack Gallagher appearing. Ali gains a quick two count with a roll up and tells Kendrick “stop looking around, eyes on me!” Each time The Brian Kendrick gets the upper hand he stops and hesitates, leaving an opening for Ali to attack. Mustafa takes control with a high moonsault on to a standing Kendrick, gets a two count. Kendrick lands a stiff kick but hesitates yet again. Ali makes him pay for it with a kick to the face and his rolling neck-breaker, near fall once again. Ali goes for his inverted 450 splash but Kendrick kicked the top turnbuckles and then sets in the Captains Hook, Mustafa manages to get to the bottom rope. Action spills to the outside as Brian kicks Ali in the head and then throws him in to the LED board. Kendrick sticks Mustafa’s foot in he stairs, looks like he is going to kick him but Jack Gallagher appears and attacks Kendrick.
WINNER: The Brian Kendrick via Disqualification
(Analysis: Not a bad match but it was clear to see the match was just to set up Jack Gallagher attacking Kendrick one more time.)
– We go backstage now where Dasha is standing by with Rich Swann. Its announced he will face TJP tonight in there ‘rubber match’. However, Daivari appears and tells Swann of the change of plans, TJP is out and he is Swann’s new opponent.
– A graphic is shown of Titus O’Neil’s Twitter, shows pictures of Tozawa with Titus, Apollo Crews and Sasha Banks. The Cruiserweight Championship celebration is hyped again. A post from Apollo Crew’s Instagram is also shown, it references how long himself and Tozawa have been friends and how he is so proud of him.
(3) Ariya Daivari vs. Rich Swann
Daivari is first to make his way to the ring, followed by the ever flamboyant Rich Swann. Corey Graves build up Daviari as a dangerous opponent, even more so for Swann who has had no time to prepare for him. Match begins with Daivari’s strong and rough style being outdone by Swann’s quick and outlandish style.
Swann steps up the pace of the match with a dropkick then Ariya moves to the outside apron. Rich quickly follows by floating over the top rope, blocking a punch and connecting with a kick to the side of Daivaris head that send him to the floor. Swann attempts a moonsault onto Daivari, who evades and then throw Rich into the ring apron on top of his head. The Iranian rolls Swann back in, lands a few stomps and then grounds him with a full nelson in the centre of the ring. Rich fights back with a jumping hurricanrana, side kick to the abdomen and a front flip leg drop to the neck of his opponent. Near fall for the man from Baltimore. Swann attempts his back heel kick but misses, Daivari grabs his hair and drags him back to deliver a reverse DDT. Ariya now goes high risk with a splash from the top rope, which misses and he crashes to the canvas. This time Rich Swann hits his back heel kick and goes for his Phoenix Splash for the victory. As he gets to the top rope, TJP’s music hits and he comes out on crutches with a huge support around his knee. This distraction allows Daivari to get back to his feet, drop Swann from the top rope on to the turnbuckle head first and gain the victory with his Hammerlock Lariat.
WINNER: Ariya Daivari
– After the match Corey and Vic question why TJP decided to come out during the match and distract Rich Swann. They questioned if that was “friendly” of him.
(Analysis: Good match. Did not see the ending happening the way it did which is always good. With TJP now out injured, Swann may move in to a programme with Daivari.)
– Backstage again with The Brian Kendrick looking to be leaving the arena but still looking very shaken and paranoid. Dasha Fuentes tried to get a word from Kendrick, but he tells her he cannot talk as each time he lets his guard down, Gallagher attacks. Brian goes on to say this has to stop, either a match or a fight, but it has to stop. Kendrick has a deranged look in his eyes and thinks challenging Gallagher to “a duel” will finish it.
– Up next, Titus Worldwide presents Akira Tozawa’s Cruiserweight Championship celebration. During the break advertisement plays for SummerSlam and focuses on the Fatal Four Way Universal Championship match.
– Titus O’Neil makes his way to the ring to kick off the celebration. The ring has been decked out with a big red carpet, a podium and champagne on ice. Titus introduces the new WWE Cruiserweight Champion, Akira Tozawa. The fans welcome Akira with a grand ovation. Crowd come alive with “Ah!” chants for Tozawa. Titus tells us that Akira mad history on Monday Night RAW by defeating ‘The King of the Cruiserweights’ Neville.
Tozawa addresses the crowd. looking very happy and emotional. He tells us all it was a dream of his for many years to accomplish this. Titus tells Akira “Thank you” because he was a young man with a dream and Titus was a man with a dream for Titus Worldwide. Together they have accomplished their dreams and success. Just as celebrations begin, Neville makes his way to the ring, looking very dejected. Neville tells Tozawa he brought “honour, dignity and respect to that championship.” Neville feels Tozawa is making a mockery of everything he achieved. At SummerSlam Neville vows to win back the championship he lost. A clock appears on the screen showing how long it is until SummerSlam, it shows the count down to what Neville calls the end of Tozawa.
Neville attempts to rush the ring but Akira cuts him off, throws Neville around the outside and put an exclamation point on the offence by executing a huge suicide dive. The show ends with Tozawa sitting tall on Titus O’Neil’s shoulders.
NOW CHECK OUT THE PREVIOUS REPORT: 8/8 WWE 205 LIVE REPORT: Details results and analysis of the show
TJ is not really injured