NOVEMBER 5, 2019
Announcers: Josh Matthews, Don Callis
-We start the show with a video package showing Sami Callihan and oVe celebrating him winning the World Championship as they our outside drinking beers and say men drink beers and and not a lil bit of the bubbly like bitches. They talk about how they are the most dominate faction in wrestling.
-This match starts with some fast paced action in the ring as both big men are showing off their athleticism. Mack does a dive out the floor and lands pretty dangerously as it looks like he hits the back of his head on the mat. He gets back up but moves pretty slowly at first but starts hitting some splashes in the corner until Moose follows up with a drop kick to the corner on Mack. Moose starts to really start dominating this match by throwing Mack hard into every post corner and it looks like Mack is starting the fade as Moose hits the going to hell top rope bomb on Mack for a close two count. The two men start to trade some chops in the middle of the ring as Mack is starting to fire up and Mack hits Moose with a stunner and a big clothesline into a back body drop and a near two count. As Mack goes for a top rope move, Moose recovers and hits a superplex on Mack as both men are slow to get up until they both get up before a ten count and Moose is able to hit a spear on Mack for the win.
WINNER: Moose via pinfall in 10:00
(Thomas’s Analysis: A pretty solid opening show match between the two big men. I really like the speed and athleticism both men bring to the ring and Moose continues to look like a dominate competitor that’s ready to challenge for the world title again here soon. He really fits the arrogant heel role well. Hard hitting match hopefully sets the tone for some good in ring action for the rest of the night.)
-Backstage, Alisha Edwards is talking to Alexia Nicole about her date with Ace Austin tonight and how she’s not sure if she can go through with it. Alisha goes to see Ace and sees him in a stairwell talking to Reno Scum about how he thinks tonight is the night he gets the opportunity to bang her and how he has been using her to get into Eddie’s head. She hears all of this and shakes her head and curses him name.
-Back from break, Madison Rayne and an injured Kiera Hogan are interrupted by Taya Valkyrie and talks about how they abandon her in their last tag match. Valkyrie calls out Rayne’s locker room leader ability. Rayne then asks her if she wants to face her for the title. Valkyrie blows her off, then Jordynne Grace ask when she’s getting her title shot, and Valkyrie says she’s too busy as she’s going to face Rayne tonight.
-The match starts with both men meeting and throwing hands and some back and forth moves to each other. Bahh gets Elgin into the corner and starts hitting him with some chops and hits with him a corkscrew back head but. Elgin gets some momentum bu hitting Bahh with a drop kick and some kicks to the head to send him out of the ring. Elgin gets Bahh back into the ring and the two men start trading hard chops again. Elgin hits a snap suplex on Bahh and gets an two count and near fall. Elgin then hits Bahh with a very impressive fall away slam and both men are down after that move. Bahh gets up and starts hitting some move chops followed by a clothesline and Bahh sits down on Elgin for a near fall. Elgin gets back up and hits Bahh with some kicks and a German suplex for another near fall. Elgin gets Bahh onto the top rope and Elgin hits the superplex but Bahh gets back up and Elgin hits him with a Death Valley driver and near fall. Bahh then counters with a samoan drop and takes control again. Elgin is able to get Bahh to the mat and applies the cross face submission for the win.
WINNER: Elgin via submission in 10:30
(Thomas’s Analysis: A decent match that felt like it maybe went two minutes too long as I felt like Elgin should have but away Bahh sooner to continue is dominate streak of looking like a monster of late. Bahh is decent but not a great ring worker and it just felt like Elgin should have been a pretty decisive winner here. I do like Elgin pulling off some impressive power moves here against Bahh and shows that he is one of the strongest men on the roster.)
-Backstage, Ace Austin runs into Alisha and ask her if she’s excited for their date. Alisha then tells Ace that they should skip dinner and instead he should just come to her room and she gives him a room key.
-Back from break, oVe make their way into the building and are gloating still about Sami’s victory.
-Gabby Loren is talking to The North about Alexander’s singles loss last week. They talk about how they have trained as a tag team and if they want they could be singles stars and they challenge Marufuji to find a partner next week for a match for the titles.
-Ryan starts the match by oiling up and putting his sucker into his pants and Ryan goes for a handshake and Shamrock brushes him off. The two men then lock up and gets some arm drag takedowns on Ryan. Shamrock tries to get a heel hook submission on Ryan but Ryan gets the rope break. Ryan is able to hit a dropkick on Shamrock as its the first time Ryan gets Shamrock on the mat the whole match so far. Shamrock goes to shake his hand and Ryan suckers him in to touch his manhood for the dick flip and then Shamrock counters with clotheslines and then an ankle lock for the submission win.
WINNER: Shamrock via submission in 5:00
Thomas’s Analysis: This is a match that happened and that’s about as much praise as I can give it. This was not good at all, all it was is a gimmick to show off Ryan’s penis gimmick which really gets old fast and Shamrock didn’t take this match seriously because this was a pointless match. Probably one of the more pointless matches I’ve seen all year in wrestling.
-oVe goes into the locker room, and continues to be arrogant and Jake Crist tries on Daga’s jacket and Sami offers him a beer but tempers are starting to boil over until Rich Swann comes in to break things up
Matches starts with Rayne pointing to her butt to show off the locker room leader she normally has stitched on to her bottoms but she doesn’t have that tonight and Valkyrie takes the opportunity to kick her in the butt and then kick her in the butt. Valkyrie continues to dominate this match by stomping on Rayne in the corner. Valkyrie continues to use her strength against Rayne, until Rayne counters in the post and hits Valkyrie with some stiff knee strikes to the gut. Rayne goes to do a knee strike on Valkyrie and Bravo catches Rayne’s feet from outside the ring and Valkyrie takes control. Rayne tries to go for a submission hold but Valkyrie fights through it and is able to hit a spinning power bomb on Rayne. Rayne hits a tornado dot on Valkyrie in the corner for a near fall. Rayne hits the rip cord cutter and almost gets the win until Bravo throws the stuffed dog at Rayne which causes the distraction which ultimately leads to Valkyrie hitting the road to Valhalla for the win.
WINNER: Valkyrie via pinfall in 7:00
(Thomas’s Analysis: A decent match between two solid veterans but this match had some issues manly due to the heel/heel dynamic going on here. I wasn’t really invested in rooting for either of these women because of how they are booked as being nasty heels. Besides that it was a pretty decently wrestled match which is an improvement for Valkyrie because she is prone to some sloppiness in her matches so hopefully this is a sign of improvement from the champ.)
-After the match, Jordynne Grace comes out ringside and lays out John E. Bravo
-Gama Singh is talking to Rohit and Raj backstage, about how he is embarrassed by their performance lately and how he needs them to win. Gama says he’s brought in Bhupinder Singh and that he may replace one of the members of the Hit Squad.
-After the break, Rosemary is backstage talking to Susie aka Su Yung, as she has no make up and no memory of what has happened to her. She then runs into Havok who she has no memory of as well.
-Action starts off fast, with Williams getting a quick start Singh using his speed to his advantage. Singh then gets some momentum on his side after he starts hitting some knee drops on Williams. Williams thens gets some offense going after he hits a tilt a whirl into a Russian side sweep and goes for the Canadian destroyer but gets countered by Singh but Williams is able to transition into the sharpshooter and gets the tap out victory.
WINNER: Williams via submission in 5:00
-After the match, Singh is going after the ref, who happens to be legless and Williams comes in for the save and the ref hits Singh with a modified 619 into Williams hitting the Canadian destroyer and the ref going to the top rope to hit the splash on Singh. Pretty impressive and inspiring stuff from the ref.
-Alisha is seen letting Ace into the hotel room she invited him to early. Alisha says she likes to move slow and tells Ace to get undressed and to wear a blindfold and the X Division Belt. Out comes Eddie Edwards and he starts being on Ace and then Alisha gets a kendo stick and starts beating on Ace as he runs off and Alisha and Eddie start making out.
-OVE makes their way to the ring to celebrate, Sami Callihan’s championship win. Callihan demands the respect from the crowd and he talks about how he told the crowd how he was telling everyone he was going to win. Then Tommy Dreamer interrupts and says Callihan ruined the debut episode last week because he’s a bully and that he is not the real draw. Callihan then calls Dreamer, fat Dreamer and challenges him to get in the ring with him.
-This impromptu match starts out as just one big massive brawl outside the ring. Finally the match gets into the ring as Dreamer is batting Jake Crist. Dreamer gets Crist set up in the tree of woe and then Dreamer hits Crist with a big elbow but Fulton comes into the ring and slams dreamer onto a chair and hits him with a big slam when Daga comes into the ring. Daga hits Fulton with some big dropkicks and then Callihan comes into the ring and Swann starts battling with him as Swann hits some big kicks and then Blanchard makes her way into the ring. She squares of with Callihan and the two start brawling and Blanchard hits a cutter on Callihan and then dives to the outside to take out oVe. Back in the ring, Swann hits a double cutter on Jake Crist and Callihan and then Swann rolls up Callihan for the win.
WINNER: Blanchard, Swann, Dreamer and Daga via pinfall in 6:00
(Thomas’s Analysis: This was a way too hetic and thrown together match. Their was way too much action going on to really focus here and make this match even feel important. It is interesting to see Swann get the pinfall because it now makes me wonder who is next in line for the title shot. Will Blanchard have to wait and will it be Cage in a rematch or will Swann get his shot?)
Oh my…Callihan is a one trick pony. An ass. That’s it. That’s all there is. Taya and Madison…who cares. Give Jordynne her shot and see what happens. The Ace Austin bit was so “poor mans” attitude era. Just predictable and stupid. Tessa absolutely does come off as the “baddest bitch in the building”. Send her to NXT or AEW and just let IMPACT slowly fade into nothingness. That would be the merciful thing to do. And Don Callis…PLEASE STOP TALKING!!!! Damn the man is annoying!
Tessa to NXT? Are you serious? She is better than EVERYONE on the WWE roster.
Callihan is one of the hottest wrestlers in the business. Do you ever know what a one trick pony is? Taya is also better than anyone on the WWE roster. Don Callis has always been one of the best announcers in the business.
A fantastic show to kick off the new Impact Era. Go play with your WWE dolls. Impact OWNS AXS. Did you not get the memo. Dirka dirka dummy.
Ken SHamrock vs Joey Mercury? That would be an interesting match.