FEBRUARY 3, 2021
Commentators: Jim Ross, Tony Schiavone, Excalibur
Ring Announcer: Justin Roberts
-The Dynamite opening aired. Then Ross said, “It’s Wednesday night, so you know what that means!”
“Tarzan Boy” played as Jurassic Express made their entrance. The announcers commented on the FTR attack on Jurassic Express last week, and said that caused them to be ousted from the battle royal. They were replaced by Alex Reynolds & John Silver. “The Red Rocker” Sammy Hagar was shown on split screen giving encouraging words to Sammy Guevara & Jake Hager. Next, The Acclaimed got their entrance music played. Excalibur said The Acclaimed upstaged Inner Circle’s entrance and it could get their asses kicked. Schiavone then said they let it roll off their backs. (Which is it?) The Young Bucks came out next. Excalibur said the Bucks have said if they win, they’ll challenge Karl Anderson & Luke Gallows. The Bucks flip-dove off the stage onto clusters of teams at ringside. The bell then rang.
The Bucks landed superkicks on Silver & Reynolds and Private Party. The announcers noted both members of a team have to be eliminated. Excalibur noted that Private Party are the no. 1 contenders to the Impact Tag Team Titles held by Anderson & Gallows. Silver knocked Hager off the ring apron at 2:00. Matt Jackson was eliminated with a back bodydrop. MJF and Jericho threw out Anthony Bowens (from The Acclaimed). Uno and Silver eliminated Luchasaurus a few minutes later, which eliminated Greyson & Uno. Silver celebrated suplexing both Santana and Ortiz, but then they got up and threw him over the top rope.
Nick Jackson rallied against Santana, Ortiz, MJF, and Jericho. Schiavone said MJF was sitting in the corner avoiding everyone. Ross said it’s strategic. Nick eliminated Santana and Ortiz. Anderson and Gallows wandered to the ring. Nick was distracted by them briefly. They pulled the top rope down as Marq Quen charged, and he was eliminated. MJF then eliminated Nick from behind. MJF and Jericho posed together.
It came down to Max Caster, Darius Martin, Jungle Boy, Jericho, MJF, and Guevara. MJF eliminated Jungle Boy. As Sammy and MJF had some words, Caster jumped between them. He held MJF. Sammy superkicked that direction, but MJF ducked and Caster went down. MJF charged at Caster, but Caster backdropped him over. Darius then backdropped Caster. Sammy and Jericho went after Darius. Guevara head scissored Daris, but Jericho shoved Darius which eliminated Guevara as he jumped to the ground. Darius then charged at Jericho, but Jericho backdropped him onto the ring apron, then landed a Judas Effect for the win.
WINNERS: Jericho & MJF in 13:00 to earn an AEW Tag Team Title match at Revolution.
(Keller’s Analysis: That was just the right length. The announcers seemed thrown off by the Bucks being eliminated so early.)
-As MJF and Jericho celebrated to a remix of MJF and Jericho’s entrance themes, Guevara stormed angrily to the back.
-They went to the announcers on commentary. They hyped the rest of the show.
-A video package aired on Jade Cargill working out. [c]
-Schiavone stood mid-ring with Darby Allin. Schiavone then introduced Sting. It began snowing on the stage. Ross said, “It’s 44 degrees when we started this thing and now it’s snowing.” Ross said he’s been calling Sting’s career dating back to when he got his start in Mid-South. Schiavone said Darby has to defend his TNT Title next week against “Bad Boy” Joey Janella. Taz interrupted. He was outside the arena and complained they weren’t allowed in the arena because they “decided to take out some staffers last week.” He said they’ll be keeping an eye on Darby next week. Ricky Starks said if they were allowed in the building, he’d tell Sting to his face he doesn’t think he’s the same man from the past. He wished Darby luck next week because he’ll definitely need it. They all laughed.
Sting took the mic and told Team Taz that if they’re going to be there next week for Darby’s match, he’s going to be there to and he’ll make sure it’s one-on-one. He said if Ricky thinks he won’t see the Icon when he looks into his eyes, maybe he needs to take a closer look.
(Keller’s Analysis: Short and sweet from Sting. His facial expression at the end was intense and believable as he talked in a threatening way toward Starks.)
-A video package aired on the Britt Baker-Thunder Rosa backstory.
Baker came out first, accompanied by Rebel. Rosa jump-started the match and threw Rebel out of the ring. Britt applied a quick Lock Jaw, but Rosa fought free and grounded Baker with a wristlock. Baker took over with some mat work a minute later. Schiavone said this is the first time these two top women have ever wrestled each other. Rosa rallied and landed a cannonball in the corner and scored a two count. Baker took over again and beat up Rosa at ringside. Rosa made a comeback and threw Baker into the ringside barricade. They cut to a break on split-screen. [c/ss]
Baker dominated at ringside, then back in the ring during the break. Rosa came back on the ringside walkway with a Death Valley Driver. Back in the ring Baker rallied including a kick to the face for a near fall. Baker countered a Rosa comeback with an Air Raid Crash for a near fall. Baker went for a Lock Jaw, but Rosa reached the ropes first and leveraged Baker’s shoulders down for a two count.
Rebel entered the ring and tore off the turnbuckle pad as the ref’s back was turned. Rosa kicked her. Baker rolled up Rosa for a two count. Baker drove Rosa face-first into the exposed turnbuckle then applied Lock Jaw. The ref immediately called for the bell after determining she was already knocked out. The announcers stressed that Rosa didn’t tapout. Ross called it “a pretty slick plan” that Baker and Rebel pulled off. Rosa was helped out of the ring.
WINNER: Baker in 15:00.
(Keller’s Analysis: That was one of the better women’s matches in AEW Dynamite history.)
-They went to a Schiavone interview with “Hangman” Adam Page and Matt Hardy in the locker room last week after Dynamite. Hardy said they’re good ol’ Carolina boys and they’ll have great chemistry together. Page stood and said he just got invited to use the locker room to dress, he doesn’t want to align with him or “sign one of your carny contracts.” Hardy said he invited him to his locker room because he’s worried about him. Hardy said Serpentico & Luther ruined Brody Jr.’s birthday celebration. He said they should team together and kick their asses. He said that might make things right with him and Dark Order. Page agreed. [c]
Chaos Project’s music faded as they returned from the break. Hardy went after Serpentico at the start. Schiavone said Luther is a “weird cat” and Ross said he’d like to see him go through the TSA line. Schiavone talked about the wedding. Ross said he didn’t want to talk about it and asked for some cake. Luther dumped Serpentico onto Hardy for a two count a few minutes in. Excalibur said Hardy booked a young Page on an Omega indy show the Hardys booked ten years ago, and it was one of Page’s earliest matches. Page launched himself onto Luther at ringside, then charged at Serpentico in the ring. He landed a spinebuster mid-ring for a two count. Page set up a Buckshot Lariat, but Luther yanked him off the ring apron. Page avoided a running cannonball senton off the ring apron, then hit Serpentico with a Buckshot Lariat. Hardy tagged himself in and got the immediate three count. Ross called it egotistical. Page was upset and refused to high-five Hardy. He did raise his arm, but shook his head and wasn’t enthusiastic about the situation.
WINNERS: Page & Hardy in 4:00.
-A video package aired on the Women’s Eliminator Tournament this month. The Japanese bracket include Aja Kong, Yuja Sakazaki, Veny, Emi Sakura, Ryo Mizunami, Mei Suruga, Rin Kadokura, and Maki Itoh. On the U.S. side, Serena Deeb, Riho, Britt Baker, Tay Conti, Thunder Rosa, Nyla Rose, Anna Jay, and Layla Hirsch. The winner becomes the no. 1 contender for the AEW Women’s Title match.
-Ross said the wedding was up next. [c]
-Backstage Guevara asked if “we did it,” since Jericho & MJF won, but the rest of Inner Circle are collateral damage. “Why are we always collateral damage,” he asked Jericho. “You always say we’re in this together, sometimes I’m not so sure.” He walked out of the room. Jericho went to check on him. MJF said it’s time they have a conversation. He asked Wardlow to escort the camera out of the room.
-The ring was set up for the Kip Sabian-Penelope Ford wedding. They went to Ross and Excalibur at ringside. Ross said he’s been around long enough to be present for many “rasslin’ weddings.” He threw to Schiavone backstage with Sabian.
-Sabian said Schiavone is so lucky to get this exclusive interview with him, Miro, and Charles Taylor. Miro said Chuck has never had a girlfriend in his life. Vickie Guerrero walked up to Kip and said it’s time. They headed to the ring. Ross said everyone deserves to have at least one great marriage. “Sinister Minister” James Mitchell was in the ring to conduct the ceremony.
Jerry Lynn led Penelope Ford to the ring. Mitchell said “unholy matrimony,” which seemed to startle Sabian. Sabian took the toothpick out of his mouth to recite his vows to Ford. He talked about how when he first saw her wearing her one-piece with those knee-high boots “and your eyes met my eyes meeting your chest, I knew that this was meant to be.” He promised to cherish her forever because she is beautiful on the inside “and damn are you hot on the outside.” He said he loves her.
Penelope then shared her vows. She said she loves him so much “and you have the biggest…” He interrupted and said she doesn’t have to share that with everybody, because he knows she wants to share the rest of her life with him. They moved to the rings part of the ceremony. Taylor handed the ring box to Sabian.
Mitchell asked Sabian if he takes “this alluring ceature” to be his wife and “to have and to grope in sickness and in health, for richer or for poorer, kayfabing all others for as long as you both shall live.” Sabin said, “I do.”
Mitchell asked Penelope if she takes Kip to be her husband “to have and to grope,” on and on with the same words. She said, “I do.” She put the wedding ring on Kip’s finger.
As Mitchell asked if anyone objects, Miro interrupted and said he’s been there before and they’re skipping that part. Mitchell then said by the power invested in him by AEW and Tony Kahn, he pronounces them man and wife. “You may now kiss the ball and chain.” They began making out. Sabian’s lips were covered in lip stick.
Miro then asked Taylor to bring everyone champaign. He told the audience to shut up because this is his time. He swigged Taylor’s drink. Miro told Kip he’s been in his place before, and it’s all about love. He talked about his bachelor party and said his knowledge is his present to him. He said his power and viciousness is his present. “And speaking of present, what is that right over there, it’s been driving me insane?” Miro asked. It was a human-sized gift-wrapped box. Miro attacked it, but it was obviously empty. “Well, they say he can work with anybody,” quipped Ross.
Miro told Taylor to clean up the mess. The audience sang a song. Miro sang “What is love?” Miro smiled and said that’s enough. He then yelled, “Let’s get some cake!” Miro looked down and noticed his ankle was chained. Taylor knocked Kip into Penelope who went face-first into the cake. Miro grabbed Taylor, but when Kip swung at him, Taylor ducked and Kip hit Miro. Miro looked upset. Penelope jumped onto Taylor’s back. Kip attacked Taylor and said he ruined everything.
Orange Cassidy then leaped out of the cake. Taylor popped Kip in the head with a bucket. Cassidy then gave a Beach Break to Kip. Cassidy’s music played as Miro threw a fit and Penelope cried.
(Keller’s Analysis: Oy vey.) [c/ss]
-During the break, they showed on split-screen the aftermath of the wedding.
-Excalibur threw to a video package on the Cody-Shaq feud with Shaq on the NBA studio show on TNT talking with his cohosts about facing Cody. Shaq announced his finisher is the Black Tornado. He demonstrated basically a Judas Effect into the plexiglass. The match will take place March 3 – Shaq & Jade Gargill vs. Cody & Red Velvet.
(4) EDDIE KINGSTON vs. LANCE ARCHER (w/Jake Roberts) – Lumberjack Match
Kingston came out first, then Archer charged to the ring and jump-started the match. Jake followed. Archer threw Peter Avalon around at ringside, but charged into the ringpost when Avalon moved. The lumberjacks threw him back into the ring after a few stomps. Gunn tried to throw Kingston into the ring, but Kingston took shots at various lumberjacks instead. A brawl broke out at ringside. Archer leaped over the top rope onto a crowd of wrestlers at ringside. Schiavone said he can do anything and it’s amazing. [c/ss]
Archer was in control after the break. Ross said it takes a lot to put Kingston away. Archer lifted Kingston onto the top rope. Bunny leaped onto Archer’s back. As he set her up for a Blackout, Kingston hit Archer with a spinning backfist. Archer rolled to the floor. Jake then punched Angelico. Jake fell over after the swing and looked potentially hurt, but he popped back up smiling. Butcher took a cheapshot at Archer, leading to a powerslam by Kingston for a two count. Blade set up a table in the corner, but Bear Bronson speared him through the table. Bear Boulder then attacked Butcher. Archer punched Kingston and then gave him a uranage for a near fall. Archer then hit a Blackout on Kingston for the win. Excalibur said Archer earned every bit of that victory. Ross said, “That was a good one.”
WINNER: Archer in 9:00.
(Keller’s Analysis: A mix of good chaos and bad chaos.)
-FTR and Tully Blanchard were sitting on a couch. Cash said they were suspended like high school students. Tully complained for a while about how they’ve been treated, including being handcuffed to a dinosaur last week and being barred from this week’s battle royal. Dax said they’re not bad men, but they often have to think what bad men would do. He revealed they had Marko Stunt tied up to a chair with his face duct taped.
-Ross hyped the main event six-man tag as “a war between some of the greats in the business.” [c]
-A promo aired with Joey Janela who talked about how he and Darby each have a long history of maiming themselves. He said the stakes for them have never been so high than they are next week. He said he’s back and “the future TNT Champion is going to be a bad, bad boy.”
-The announcers hyped next week’s line-up: Cody Rhodes & Lee Johnson vs. Peter Avalon & Cezar Bononi, Darby vs. Joey Janela for the TNT Title, and Jericho & MJF vs. The Acclaimed.
-The ring entrance took place for Kenny Omega & The Good Brothers. [c]
(5) KENNY OMEGA & THE GOOD BROTHERS (Karl Anderson & Doc Gallows) vs. JON MOXLEY & REY FENIX & PAC
Don Callis joined the announcers on commentary. Pac and Fenix came out first. Mox came out to his music second. Excalibur brought up Yoshihiro Takayama, Gary Albright, and “Dr. Death” Steve Williams as a powerful trio, and he compared them to Pac & Mox & Fenix. Ross said he’s surprised Moxley has remained somewhat sane since his title was stolen from him. Callis laughed, then suggested Mox & Pac & Fenix lack chemistry, whereas Omega & Anderson & Gallows have been up and down the road together for years.
The bell rang with 18 minutes left in the hour. Pac and Anderson opened. Callis called Pac one of the better “pure athletes” in pro wrestling. When Gallows tagged in, Moxley tagged in. Later, the heels isolated Pac a couple minutes in with rapid-tags. Pac tagged in Mox, who went after Anderson aggressively. Schiavone said they don’t talk enough about how quick Moxley is. Mox cleared the ring and then dove through the ropes at Anderson and Gallows. Omega went after Mox at ringside, but Mox reversed him into the barricade. They cut to a split-screen break. [c/ss]
The heels took over against Mox at ringside during the break. Mox ducked a charging Gallows, who flew over the top rope. Mox crawled over to the corner and tagged in Fenix just as Omega tagged in. Fenix fended off an interfering Gallows with a barrage of kicks, then took Anderson down with a diving reverse headbutt. He gave Omega a thrust kick. Pac tagged in and landed a shotgun dropkick. Fenix and Pac leaped off the top turnbuckles onto Anderson and Gallows with flying headbutts.
Back in the ring, Fenix gave Omega a Cutter for a two count. Fenix chopped away at Omega. Omega gave Fenix a snap dragon off the top rope to change the course of the match. Gallows tagged in and took over on Fenix. Pac blind-tagged himself in and caught Gallows with a barrage of kicks. The heels triple-teamed Pac. Moxley broke up the subsequent cover. Omega gave Pac a gut-wrench Ligerbomb for a two count. Omega then landed a V-Trigger followed by a One-Winged Angel attempt, but Pac slipped out. Fenix landed a springboard reverse sidekick. That was slick. Mox then gave Omega a released German suplex. Pac followed with a dead-lift German suplex into a bridge for a very near fall. The audience chanted “This is awesome!”
Moxley tagged in next. He knocked Anderson off the ring apron, then turned back to Omega for an exchange of strikes. Omega landed a knee strike, but Mox fired back with a lariat. Gallows entered and kicked Mox. When Fenix and Anderson got involved, Ross said, “Things are breaking down here in Jacksonville.” Omega gave Mox a Paradigm Shift, but Pac broke up the cover with a 450. Everyone was slow to get up. Callis said the action was literally too fast to call. Schiavone called it one of the best main events they’ve had. Mox gave Anderson a Gun Stun. Fenix tagged in and springboard twisting moonsault pressed Anderson for a near fall. Anderson came back with a spinebuster, then tagged Gallows back in. They delivered Magic Killer for the pin.
WINNERS: Omega & Anderson & Gallows in 15:00.
-As Anderson, Gallows, and Omega beat down Moxley, Archer charged out and cleared the ring of the heel trio. Mox crawled over to Omega and looked over at him menacingly. A masked man entered the ring, then unmasked as Kenta. “That’s Kenta!” yelled Excalibur. He gave Moxley a Go To Sleep. Excalibur said he has a briefcase that gives him the right to challenge Moxley for the IWGP U.S. Hvt. Title. Callis said, “It’s amazing how these things happen when we’re here.” Excalibur asked if this means the break in the Bullet Club has been fixed. Callis cackle-laughed like an evil villain. Schiavone called it an unbelievable night with a stunning ending. Omega stood on Mox’s chest as Kenta looked on from ringside.
(Keller’s Analysis: Excellent main event match. There was some world class athleticism on display in the context of a really hard-fought, dramatic six-man tag. A good introduction for a lot of fans to Kenta, making a statement against Moxley like that. For those who know Kenta’s work in New Japan, a huge moment. This is going to create a lot of excitement about what this means for AEW and New Japan working together, as Moxley appeared days ago in Japan. The AEW-Impact-New Japan interactions continue to expand in curious, intriguing ways. Some people aren’t going to be able to sleep tonight thinking about what this portends.)
FINAL THOUGHTS: A good show. Some good pre-produced segments to balance out a show heavy with in-ring action other than the wedding. The wedding felt too pleased with itself, which is also the primary personality trait of Miro, it seems. Orange Cassidy popping out of a wedding cake wasn’t a punchline that made what felt like months and months of hype worth the trouble. The women’s match and main event carried the show, with the battle royal and Archer-Kingston brawl coming in third and fourth. I think this might be the show that breaks any credibility theme shows have anymore. There was nothing beachy or breaky about this show other than a giant beach ball off in the distance.
For another perspective, check out Tyler Sage’s report HERE.
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