Tonight is Fright Night Dynamite. I think they’ve done a good job building up this show over the last two weeks. The production team even put together a nifty little video package that aired on Collision. There’s some really strong in-ring action to look forward to as well as some promising story developments and even a potential debut. Everyone, grab your favorite candy and get comfortable for a great night of wrestling.
Jon Moxley vs. AEW Locker Room
Latest Developments
After outsmarting the babyfaces attempting to keep him out of the arena, Jon Moxley instructed Claudio Castagnoli to crush the neck of Chuck Taylor in a chair. Orange Cassidy finally vowed to do something about Mox.
Another artistically-shot Mox vignette opened the show. The background music was unfortunately too loud so a lot of what Mox said was inaudible but what came threw loud and clear was Mox promising to sacrifice someone for the greater good.
A contingent of babyfaces had positioned themselves outside the entrance to the building in attempt to block Mox and his group’s entry. While this was a logical idea on paper, in execution, a lot of the wrestlers involved (Dark Order, Top Flight, Satnam Singh) did not come across as legitimate resistance to Mox’s insurgency.
During the show, Chuck Taylor confronted Orange Cassidy and attempted to push OC to step up and fight Mox’s insurgency. It was nice surprise to see Chuck Taylor and clearly this was a way to set up what happened later.
Following the main event, a black pickup arrived at the arena but only Marina Shafir got out. Mox and the rest of the crew had already found a way in the building. Claudio Castagnoli and Wheeler Yuta took out Private Party and Daniel Garcia. Mox then drug Chuck Taylor out and threw him in the ring. Claudio placed the chair over his neck and stomped on it the same way he did Bryan Danielson. OC was seconds too late to save his friend. In footage aired first on social media and then in the opening of Collision, OC got into a shouting and shoving match with Garcia as Chuck was stretchered out. He vowed to “do something about it,” referring to Mox.
This was mostly very good. The babyfaces getting outsmarted made them completely hapless and ineffectual but the actual attack was executed well. Having the babyfaces in the parking lot temporarily prevented them from making the save. Attacking Chuck as a way to get to OC made perfect sense. OC finally deciding to stand up to Mox sets up a clear point in the show for Mox and his crew to come out and gives them something specific to do besides the blindside attacks thus limiting the need for lower tier babyfaces.
One other bit of development in this story was the adversarial sit down interview Nigel McGuiness conducted with Wheeler Yuta. AEW is no longer appearing to run from spotlighting what happened to Bryan Danielson at WrestleDream as Nigel bluntly stated that Yuta had suffocated Bryan into near unconsciousness risking permanent irreversible brain damage. I don’t think it can be stated more clearly than that. Yuta’s response was to first mock Nigel for not being able to do to Bryan what they did and then to say that they had to get Bryan out of the way for the greater good.
This entire segment was great. The irony of Nigel being put in the position of defending his greatest rival was delicious. The tension between him and Yuta was palpable. The only downside was Yuta. His work was admirable, but he’s still the weak link of the group. That said, this interview certainly set up Nigel as potential adversary of Yuta specifically and Mox’s crew in general. He’s sort of in the Larry Zbyskyo (with more talent and charisma) role, the former wrestler turned commentator drawn back into combat by overbearing rogue actors.
I mention Zbyskyo because this story certainly has echoes of the NWO. That’s not a bad thing. Much like its cousin, the daytime soap opera, wrestling has very few new storylines. Most storylines are an adaptation of a pre-existing framework. It’s about the players involved and finding a unique spin with which to tell the story. Telling a story using NWO framework requires careful thought so that it doesn’t become parodic. Whether it was the pitiful and pathetic carbon copy that was TNA’s Immortal storyline or the not-very-well-thought-out Nexus storyline from 2010 WWE, we’ve seen this concept fail. Thus far, Tony has used subtle shades of the NWO storyline. The real test will be in how Darby is handled. He’s the Sting of this story but he cannot be in the rafters for weeks. That’s would be too much.
To those naysayers who aren’t fully on board, patience is a virtue. This story isn’t going to be over in December. It’s going to last awhile and thus will build on itself. More prominent babyfaces will get involved. In addition to Darby, there’s Will Ospreay, Swerve Strickland, Jay White, and Adam Cole who are tied up in other stories now but can always get pulled in later. We also can’t forget about Kenny Omega and Eddie Kingston who should both be back in the next few months. There are enough major stars to keep this story going strong. It’s just a matter of executing.
Grade: B+
Jay White vs. “Hangman” Page
Latest Developments
Jay White challenged “Hangman Page” to a match at Full Gear
Hangman opened last week’s Dynamite in the ring. He didn’t get too far into his promo before Colten Gunn hit the ring followed by the rest of the Bang Bang Gang. Switchblade and Hangman brawled until Switchblade cleared the ring. He then cut a great promo on Hangman. After defeating Shane Taylor on a Collision in a match that probably went too long, he officially challenged Hangman to another match at Full Gear. Tonight we’re scheduled to hear from Hangman who will no doubt accept the match.
Simple but very effective stuff between these two. Switchblade continues to work remarkably well as a babyface opposite the wild-eyed, still deteriorating by the week Hangman.
Grade: B+
Anna Jay vs. Mariah May
Latest Developments
May and Jay had a scuffle on Dynamite; May cut a promo on Anna after Anna’s match on Collision.
Mariah May and Anna Jay got into a backstage scuffle after Mariah tossed Anna’s bag down the hall. On Collision, Jay had a match against Viva Van. While the match was good, it went too long. If they wanted Van to look slightly competitive, they should’ve chosen someone else to put her in the ring with. Anna needed to look dominant ahead of title match. Mariah’s promo after the match was great though. She was absolutely vicious, telling Anna that it wouldn’t be sink or swim but that she would be getting drowned. That’s the Mariah I enjoy, the evil sociopath. I expect her to beat Anna and then hopefully Mina returns and they can move into that delayed story.
Grade: B
Check out the latest episode of the Wade Keller Pro Wrestling Post-show covering the latest episode of Dynamite: CLICK HERE (or search “wade Keller” on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or any other iOS or Android app to subscribe free)
Mercedes Moné vs. Kris Statlander
Latest Developments
Kamille beat Queen Aminata in a match that did her more harm than good.
Prior to last Wednesday, Kamille had a few squash matches that went two minutes or less. She went about ten minutes with Aminata and got exposed. The match was clunky. Kamille was whiffing some spots and her timing was off in others. This was not a good look a week before her biggest match. It made her look less like a threat to Kris Statlander. It also put a massive chink in her armor as Mercedes’ muscle. Stat came out afterwards and basically tossed Mercedes aside to throw hands with Kamille. Another not so good look.
To me the central problem with this entire situation is that Kamille is wrestling already. She came in as Mercedes’ heater, basically the Diesel to Mercedes’ Shawn Michaels. Diesel wrestled a ton of house show matches but save for two squashes his first real match was five months into his run and it was a traditional Survivor Series tag match. His first truly competitive televised singles match was a WWF title match against Bret Hart at the 1994 King of the Ring. Part of the reason for this was because Shawn Michaels was the priority and Diesel was the supplement. That’s the mistake Tony has made. He’s practically trying to push both Mercedes and Kamille at the same time and it’s nearly impossible. Kamille should just be the hulking presence outside the ring. Instead Mercedes felt like an afterthought in the segment.
Mercedes has struggled mightily since coming into AEW and I think this might be an opportunity to try and correct course. Kamille will lose to Stat which will set up and match between Stat and Mercedes. Have Mercedes fire Kamille for losing and then drop the TBS title to Statlander. Statlander is billed as the “defeater of the undefeated”. Keep that up. She’s been a little damaged by the turn and turn back so having her topple Mercedes will re-settle her as a face. Meanwhile Mercedes can go away for a bit, regroup and return as more of a prizefighter and less of “The CEO”.
Grade: C+
Jamie Hayter vs. Penelope Ford
Latest Developments
Jamie Hayter challenged Penelope Ford to a match on next week’s Dynamite; Ford returned to the ring for the first time in 700 days on Collision.
In a backstage promo on last week’s show, Hayter challenged Ford to a match on next week’s show. I like that they’re making matches two weeks ahead and building them up a bit. On Collision Penelope Ford had her first match in 700 days. She whiffed a bit on her handspring move early on in the match but got back on track eventually defeating her opponent with the Muta Lock. The match was short but I still tend to think it could’ve been just a hair shorter. A two-year layoff will leave anyone rusty so I’m not expecting the best match next week but this is a fine little feud to keep Hayter while the women’s world title is ultimately tied up in the May vs Storm feud.
Grade: B
Adam Cole vs. MJF
Latest Developments
MJF set up a contest between Adam Cole and Roderick Strong where the first person to three matches gets to face MJF at Full Gear.
Adam Cole came out to address MJF again but didn’t get three words in before Roddy came out bellowing “Adam!”. Long story short, Roddy said he wanted to fight MJF on Cole’s behalf. That’s when an MJF video played on the screen. Max was getting a massage. MJF at first told Cole he was never getting a match with him and then abruptly changed his tune and said whoever won three matches first would face him at Full Gear.
This was weird. Cole made it clear two weeks ago that he wanted to handle MJF alone and then the Undisputed Kingdom just disregarded his wishes. Roddy wanting to fight MJF on Cole’s behalf is suspicious. What’s even more suspicious is MJF telling Cole he’s never getting the match and then seemingly giving it up quite easily. That’s why I think this is a setup between MJF and the UK. Somehow Cole will fail to win three matches, likely with some seemingly accidental interference from Roddy which leads to a segment at Full Gear where the Undisputed Kingdom turns on Adam Cole in favor of MJF and Kyle O’Reilly, who was seen watching this bizarre scene unfold last week, will make the save. Whatever happens the road begins tonight with a match between Adam Cole and Buddy Matthews, certainly not an easy warm up for a guy who hasn’t wrestled in over a year.
Grade: B
Will Ospreay vs. Kyle Fletcher
Latest Developments
Kyle Fletcher cut a promo in which he explained that he wanted to be nothing like Will Ospreay and then got so worked up he shaved his head.
Fletcher started his promo by saying that he went from being “the next big thing” to “the next Will Ospreay”. He said he was insulted because he’s better than Ospreay. He then recounted Osperay’s history in New Japan with Okada and Kenny Omega. He said he left New Japan to get out of Ospreay’s shadow and that Callis helped him realize that Ospreay didn’t want him to reach his full potential and surpass him. That’s when started to get more and more worked up. Callis handed him clippers and he proceeded to shave his own head.
This was a very good promo from Fletcher. He felt like a star out there. He delivered it well and he was able to think on his feet when the crowd started to chant “wrap it up” barely 3 minutes into the promo. The promo only lasted 8 minutes so I don’t think it was too long. He called out Ospreay to show up tonight so perhaps we’ll see a confrontation between former friends.
Grade: B+
Konosuke Takeshita vs. Ricochet
Latest Developments
Ricochet called out Takeshita and the two had a staredown on Rampage.
Not a ton to this one. Ricochet challenged Takeshita to show up on Rampage. Following Ricochet’s match with Nick Wayne, which he won a brutal new sliding elbow finisher he debuted, Takeshita showed up on a stage and they stared each other down. The next night on Collision, Ricochet and Lio Rush had a really good match with Ricochet obviously won.
Pretty basic, A to B stuff here. It was good booking even if no socks were knocked off in the process.
Grade: B
Chris Jericho vs. Mark Briscoe
Latest Developments
Chris Jericho defeated Mark Briscoe for the ROH world title when Big Bill carried his near lifeless body up the ladder to retrieve the belt.
The match was violent as one would expect a ladder war to be. Both men took crazy bumps off of or onto ladders and through tables. Briscoe neutralized the attempted interference of Bryan Keith. He laid Jericho out with a Froggy Bow and a Jay Driller. It looked like he was going to retain when Big Bill hit the ring, pulled him off the ladder and chokeslammed him over the top rope through two tables. Bill threw Jericho over his back in a fireman’s carry and scaled the ladder allowing Jericho to weakly pull the belt down.
Why is Chris Jericho ROH world champion in 2024? This version of Jericho should barely be skirting the edges of title matches much less holding up a belt. We’ve already seen Jericho as ROH champion anyway. The only explanation I can come up with is that Tony, who recently said ROH is a promotional priority, is shopping ROH around again. That was why Jericho became champion the first time. If that’s the case this time I hope there’s already a suitor in mind because putting the title on Jericho in hopes that it would attract someone didn’t pan out last time. Still, even if there’s a strategy at play, I cannot abide this version of Jericho holding a championship in 2024.
Grade: F
Young Bucks vs. Private Party
Latest Developments
Private Party challenged the Young Bucks to a tag team title match. If they lose however they must split up for good.
Isaiah Kassidy pinned one the Bucks to win the trios main event of last week’s show. He immediately got on the mic and challenged them to a tag title rematch. The Bucks waved him off, so Ze upped the ante, putting Private Party’s partnership on the line, seemingly to Marq Quen’s surprise. The Bucks accepted that offer.
It’s very hard to pick a winner in this one. Conventional wisdom would say Private Party finally get their big win, become champs, and remain together. Problem is that the Outrunners are also seemingly being primed for a title match against the Bucks. I want the belts off the Bucks in the worst way possible but I don’t think it’s happening tonight. I unfortunately believe this is the end of the road for Private Party.
Grade: B
Swerve Strickland vs. The Hurt Syndicate
Latest Developments
Shelton Benjamin defeated Sammy Guevara in really good match as a warm up for his big match against Swerve tonight.
Prior to the match a Sammy Guevara video package that aired on Collision was re-aired on Dynamite with words from Shelton added to the end. He said he was here to “crack skulls, make money, and win championships”. Re-running this was a nice touch and Shelton’s mission statement was perfect.
The match was unsurprisingly really good. Both of these guys are very talented. Shelton can still go at a high level even at 49. The most notable spot of the match was Shelton re-creating the iconic superkick spot from 2004 with himself in the Shawn Michaels role this time and Sammy getting his head taken off. He won with an exploder suplex into a pin once again.
There has been some controversy over Shelton beating Sammy. When Nic Nemeth is retaining a world title in the main event of another promotion’s PPV with help from John “Bradshaw” Layfield, you can miss me with this idea someone as respected and talented as Shelton, someone who most fans feel never got a fair shot under the previous regime in WWE, beating Sammy is somehow problematic. Shelton’s not going to be world champion but he deserves to be treated with respect. Moving on, his match with Swerve tonight should be great and I fully expect Bobby Lashley to finally make his AEW debut.
Grade: B+
Stay right here and keep the flow going. We think you’ll like to read this next…
OR CHECK THIS OUT AT PROWRESTLING.NET: Powell’s AEW Dynamite Hit List: Mark Briscoe vs. Chris Jericho in a Ladder War for the ROH Title, Jack Perry and Young Bucks vs. Daniel Garcia and Private Party
(You can always reach PWTorch editor Wade Keller at kellerwade@gmail.com. You can also send live event results and news tips to that email. Also, we’re always looking for volunteer contributors to help us round out of coverage of the pro wrestling scene.)
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