The following report originally published 5 years ago this month here at PWTorch.com…
JANUARY 8, 2020
Announcers: Mauro Ranallo, Nigel McGuinness, Beth Phoenix
-After two weeks of non-live NXT programming, it’s time to get going on storylines that’ll take us through Worlds Collide as well as first steps toward TakeOver: Portland. Also, WWE signed Mercedes Martinez, so I’ll be keen to see where she lands. She could be a useful contender on Raw or SmackDown, and also a great bringer of experience in NXT to act as a gatekeeper for some of the young talent.
-Shots from the last episode of 2019 aired, followed by hype for tonight’s four-way and the beginning of the Dusty Classic, complete with old videos of the American Dream himself, promoting the event.
-Rhea Ripley was announced to a big pop. She shined up the belt, which she properly wore around her waist, as she walked to the ring and soaked in the reaction. She kept it mostly badass but couldn’t hide a genuine smile. “You deserve it” chant. She recalled the memories of winning the title and being hoisted on the shoulders of fans. Memories she’d never forget. She started another sentence, but was cut off by the music of Toni Storm, who beat Rhea Ripley for the NXT: UK Women’s Championship.
Toni, who’s playing a tweener leaning heel on UK TV right now, she asks Rhea if she remembers when she beat her. She said this weekend she’ll become new UK Women’s Champion (she’s in a three-way match with Kay Lee Ray and Piper Niven), and will become double champion at Worlds Collide. “Toni two belts” chant. Rhea said she wouldn’t mind beating her again, so she accepts.
Kay Lee Ray’s music played and she said there was no way she’d win the championship at Worlds Collide Before she could continue…
Io Shirai’s music played. She said something in Japanese, then pointed at Rhea’s belt and said “Mine!”
Bianca Belair’s music played. “Oh, girl, uh-uh. I got 2020 vision and I can see I’m better than you, I’m better than you, you don’t even go here, and I’m definitely better than you.”
Candice LeRae’s music played. Rhea took the stick. “Stop! Let me guess, Candice, you wanna fight too.” Candice shrugged and nodded. “You know what? So do I.” The lot of them broke down and fought, with the face/face-ish Rhea/Candice/Toni vs. Ray/Belair/Shirai. We were informed William Regal made this match, and it starts right now.
As the heels argued outside the ring, Candice LeRae hit a tope on all of them, leading to a split-screen commercial.
Back to action, Candice LeRae hit a missile dropkick on Belair, who tagged Kay Lee Ray. Candice hit an elbow in the corner, then went up but got held up by Shirai and ended up jumping into a superkick by Ray for two. Ray tagged Shirai, who hit an axhandle and then shots to the breadbasket. Flapjack and basement dropkick by Shirai for a one count. Shirai taunted the faces in the corner and went to a chinlock. Ray reentered and hit an abdominal stretch. Ray draped LeRae over a rope and leaned on her, then tagged Belair. LeRae threw a palm strike but Belair hit some forearms for a one count. Headlock by LeRae, who fought to her feet and rolled up Belair for two, but got shoulderblocked. Ray tagged back in and LeRae hit a small package for two off of a suplex attempt. Chinlock. Belair came back in and hit a suplex for two. Belair stretched LeRae but LeRae dumped her betwen the ropes and went for the hot tag, which Belair cut off at the last moment. Big forearm and a tag to Ray, who hit a swanton for two. Storm made the save, but got speared by Belair leading to all six hitting big moves leading to an “NXT” chant and a commercial, not in split-screen.
Back to action, Candice was still face in peril, but she hit a poison rana on Kay Lee Ray. Bianca Belair tagged and cut her off, but LeRae finally made the tag. Storm and Ray were legal. Storm hit a running forearm for two. Ray hit a thrustkick and tagged Shirai, who hit running knees in the corner, then a backbreaker. Shirai stepped on and over Storm and went up, but Bianca Belair tagged herself in and picked up Storm for her finisher, but an angry SHirai hit a missile dropkick on Belair. Storm tagged Belair during the issue and Ripley ran over Belair with a dropkick. Riptide finished Bianca.
WINNERS: Rhea Ripley, Candice LeRae & Toni Storm at 16:16.
Candice held Ripley’s belt after the match and took a good look at it before handing it over. Then she held up the hands of her teammates and Ripley’s music played.
(Wells’s Analysis: Given what we already knew about the show tonight, this was a nice surprise bonus. Given that TakeOver: Blackpool II is on Sunday, I didn’t think this many UK talents would be live in Florida. The match was nice enough, as far as what we were shown, though most of it was heat on LeRae. The main bit to get across was the opening segment to promote the various big shows coming up)
-Tommaso Ciampa segment. He wants his life back, and he’s coming for the NXT Championship.
-Keith Lee, backstage, said in 2020, he becomes North American Champion.
(2) IMPERIUM (Marcel Barthel & Fabian Aichner) vs. THE FORGOTTEN SONS (Wesley Blake & Steve Cutler) – Dusty Rhodes Classic first round match
Both Dusty Classic matches tonight are heel-heel; as weird as that is, it should keep some future outcomes in doubt. Imperium were shown in an inset interview talking about how the mat is sacred.
Aichner and Blake to start; Aichner recently broke his nose in a match and was wearing a protector. Quick tags by Sons leading to some quick covers. “Stay forgotten” chant. Barthel tagged in and Imperium hit a tandem dropkick to Blake, who was draped on the ropes. European Uppercut by Barthel, but Blake reversed a second one into a DDT. Cutler and Aichner tagged in. Backbreaker by Cutler for two. Boston Crab by Cutler, but Barthel came in to break it up. Blind tag by Imperium led to an enzuigiri for two. Cutler went for a cross-body on Aichner but got caught. Chaos reigned as everyone got involved. Tandem brainbuster on Blake for two. Aichner’s guard came off and was tossed away.
Fisherman’s Driver on Barthel by Blake, but Aichner broke it up by slamming Aichner onto them. Barthel and Blake exchanged shots. Aichner tagged in. Spinebuster and PK for Blake, but Blake reversed their next move and the Sons went for a tandem move in the corner. Imperium double-teamed Blake and dumped Cutler. European Bomb finished.
WINNERS: Imperium at 5:10 to advance to the semifinals in the Dusty Classic.
(Wells’s Analysis: That was a lot of action in a small amount of time. The Sons had one of their best matches there and kept up with Imperium, who are bringing it every time out. I assume it was kept short given Aichner’s injury and the upcoming TakeOver show, where Imperium will be in a four-way ladder match)
-Cathy Kelley caught up with Matt Riddle backstage, who told her the story of forming a team with Pete. He did an impression of Pete doing his thing (a shrug and sneer), then showed himself doing his thing (hang loose) and the Bro-serweights were born. The fans ate it up.
-Gallus spot, promoting their match with Undisputed Era later. That one’s likely to get much more than 5:10. Tomorrow, TakeOver Cardiff II: Prime Target streams at 3 EST on the Network.
Check out the latest episode of “PWTorch ’90s Pastcast” with Patrick Moynahan and Alex McDonald, part of the PWTorch Dailycast line-up: CLICK HERE to stream (or search “wade keller” on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or any other iOS or Android app to subscribe free)
Wilde (formerly Zema Ion/DJZ) is back on TV. He wore a weird helmet with a long pointed back on the way to the ring.
Feeling-out process. Wilde worked a leg and then threw some European Uppercuts. Headscissor takeover in the corner. Wilde was slightly working heel in this match. Stomp and suplex by Theory for one. Theory worked Wilde into a headlock and tossed him around. Knees and fists. Theory wanted a pop-up powerbomb but Wilde blocked and reversed. Kicks for Theory. Wilde came off the top for another headscissor takeover. Theory countered another and hit a cutter to finish. Theory tossed away the ref’s hand after the win, so I guess he’s working heel too.
WINNER: Austin Theory at 2:59.
(Wells’s Analysis: Wilde’s headgear was goofy, and it almost slipped off as he walked between the ropes to enter. Theory makes it all look effortless in there and I look forward to seeing where he slots in. It doesn’t seem like there’s much room near the top at this stage)
-Backstage, Bobby Fish and Kyle O’Reilly sparred and prepared for their champs vs. champs match in the Dusty Classic.
-Elsewhere, Damian Priest hyped himself up for the four-way as two adoring groupies (or maybe Band-Aids?) looked on adoringly.
(4) UNDISPUTED ERA (Kyle O’Reilly & Bobby Fish) vs. GALLUS (Mark Coffey & Wolfgang) – Dusty Rhodes Classic first round match
All four of UE entered and did their schtick. Joe Coffey must not have made the trip, as Mark and Wolfgang entered alone. Lots of jawing between the pairs of champions before the match started. They shoved the belts in each other’s faces.
Wolfgang hit a corner lariat on O’Reilly to start suddenly. He took him down with another after some kicks from O’Reilly and tagged Mark.
UE took over and Fish tagged in, but Mark caught Fish in the corner and tossed him. Back bodydrop. Wolfgang tagged in and the two did a tandem monkey flip. Wolfgang with European Uppercuts in the corner. Cole distracted Wolfgang and Fish took over. O’Reilly tagged in and hit some kicks until Wolfgang reversed a guillotine into a slam and tagged Coffey. Coffey worked O’Reilly in the corner and then whipped him into the opposite. Knee strikes by O’Reilly but Wolfgang made the blind tag and hit a flying senton. Wolfgang cleared out Fish and clotheslined all of UE to the floor. UE gathered together and jawed at Gallus from the apron heading into commercial.
Wolfgang and O’Reilly were legal upon retrn. Wolfgang was looking to tag but UE cut off the ring. Fish came in and UE hit tandem knees to the breadbasket for two. Fish mounted Wolfgang’s back and clubbed him, but Wolfgang stood up and whipped Fish over. O’Reilly tagged in but got backdropped. Fish got involved just long enough to break up the hot tag. Finally Coffey tagged in and he worked over O’Reilly with uppercuts and an axhandle. Flapjack for a charging Fish. Brainbuster for O’Reilly for two. Knees by O’Reilly and Fish tagged in. Knees by both and Fish covered for two. Coffey was isolated in the UE corner and they took turns with charges, but O’Reilly accidentally hit a big boot on Fish to allow a tag to Wolfgang.
All four guys got to their feet in the ring and threw forearms. Wolfgang stood tall after they traded some blows. UE bailed and Wolfgang launched Coffey onto them. Cole got involved to distract Wolfgang and UE hit High-Low on Wolfgang to win. After the match, UE posed on the ramp while Gallus pointed out that it was four against two.
WINNERS: Undisputed Era at 12:22 to advance to the semifinals of the Dusty Rhodes Classic.
(Wells’s Analysis: It was strange, as a viewer of both NXT shows, to see Gallus working face, complete with a heat segment and a hot tag. Given that Imperium has been established on US TV and Gallus really hasn’t, the two results probably won’t surprise many. Imperium will face the winners of Riddle/Dunne vs. Mark Andrews and Flash Morgan Webster while Undisputed Era faces the winners of Grizzled Young Veterans vs. Kushida and his yet to be named partner. This match was good and technically sound, partially marred by the fact that the “babyfaces” were heel champions working against popular home-team heels)
-Last month, Finn Balor got low-blowed by Adam Cole in a title shot when Johnny Gargano interfered and distracted Balor, before laying waste to Balor with a chair. Johnny’s up next after the break.
-NXT UK TakeOver spot. It’s this Sunday at noon eastern.
-Mark Andrews and Flash Morgan Webster spot to establish them before their first-round match next week.
-Johnny Gargano’s music played to bring him out in street clothes. He said he’s been waiting a long time to talk about Finn Balor. A couple of loud guys sustained a boo as long as their breaths held out. He acknowledged Finn for helping build NXT. He said Finn says his future is his past, but his past is still standing because he didn’t finish the job. He said in 2016, Finn got the call to move on and he couldn’t wait to put the flag down and leave, but in August he got the same call but he didn’t leave. He said he picked up the flag Finn left when he abandoned this place, and Johnny and the fans took it to new heights. He said it eats Finn alive that they didn’t need him to succeed.
Finn’s music played and he went to the ramp. “We should call you Johnny Promo because it’s the only thing the doctors are clearing you for.” The NXT is his chessboard and what he said is a fact – Johnny is soft. If he wants his moment, he’ll give it to him at TakeOver Portland…IF Johnny makes it that far.
(Wells’s Analysis: Gargano did a great job cutting through the weird Johnny haters in the crowd (not saying that one MUST love him, but the amount of rage he gets from that segment of fans is baffling) and getting them mostly on his side by the end of that very strong promo. Finn did his part well also, and stopped short of being so cool that he turned them back. Hopefully we get to see the match this time, because there’s little doubt how good it could be)
-Backstage, Cameron Grimes lost his mind talking to himself to hype himself for the main event. He said it’ll just take one Cave In to win tonight.
-Mauro mentions the tragedy in Australia and how you can donate: redcross.org.au
-Grizzled Young Veterans spot. Zack is a good heel talker, dudes.
-Holy frijoles, it is Alex Shelley who’s teaming with Kushida in the tournament! Time Splitters vs. Grizzled Young Veterans next week.
A couple of lock attempts to start. Kicks miss for both. Carter tried to roll up Yim but couldn’t get her down. Yim blocked a crucifix and blocked Carter. Palm strike by Carter. Wristlock takeover by Carter. Dropkick for one. Carter couldn’t pull off a headscissor takeover and Yim powerbombed her for two. Yim threw hard kicks to a kneeling Carter. Basement dropkick by Yim for two. Yim did her knee surfboard thing but Carter leaned into a two count to break it. Yim chopped Carter in the corner. Carter threw some chops and forearms, and then a face wash with Yim leaning back on the bottom rope. Thrustkick by Carter for two. Carter came off the top but fell into Protect Ya Neck.
WINNER: Mia Yim at 3:45.
After the match, Chelsea Green appeared out of nowhere to take out both. On the ramp, Robert Stone (formerly Robbie E in TNA) stood in a suit and slicked-back hair, looking the part of a consigliere, and said that Chelsea Green was just the first member of the Robert Stone Brand.
-Tommaso Ciampa spot. He doesn’t know who he is or who he’ll become without the NXT Championship.
(Wells’s Analysis: The match looked pretty smooth; it was a simple and effective match showing Carter trying to find ways to create enough momentum for Yim not to block her offense. I’ve never actually gotten to see Green in the ring, so I look forward to seeing how she comes off. Robert Stone hearkens back to the ’80s-’90s as far as his managerial look goes. I’m very interested to see how committed the WWE is to bringing back managers to generate heat, as it’s been a very long time since we saw the “classic” version of managers there)
-Damian Priest was announced and made his entrance for the main event before the commercial. Entrances finished with Keith Lee upon return. Also announced was a battle royal for #1 contendership of the Women’s Championship next week.
(6) KEITH LEE vs. DOMINIK DIJAKOVIC vs. DAMIAN PRIEST vs. CAMERON GRIMES – Fatal Four-Way match to determine #1 contender for the North American Championship
The match started at just nine to the hour. “Go bask in his glory” chant. Grimes got annoyed with the crowd, and then jawed at all three opponents. Lee launched Grimes into a turnbuckle. Dijakovic did the same to Priest. The faces teamed up on the heels and cleared them out. Dijakovic and Lee had a moment in the ring while the heels recovered. They shared a grin but the heels charged. Grimes got into his mudhole stomping for too long so Priest booted him from the ring. Flying elbow by Priest to Dijakovic. Dijakovic hit a knee strike on Priest and launched him to Lee, who caught him, and then used him as a battering ram on both others. He powerbombed Priest onto Dijakovic and the crowd went nuts. “Keith Lee” chant and Lee covered Priest for two.
All four went outside and things broke down. Dijakovic and Grimes looked to cut down Lee as Priest rolled back in, probably for his tope con giro. The three others kept trading blows outside, with Grimes and Dijakovic continuing to work Lee. Lee got back into it and cleared out both. Priest looked to do his flip over the ropes but he saw Lee baiting him and shook his finger “no.” Dijakovic and Grimes took Lee near a turnbuckle (still on the outside) and Priest launched himself off the turnbuckle into a senton onto all three leading to a commercial in split-screen. The break was mostly Dijakovic and Lee in the ring, and the other two paired off outside it.
Back to action, Lee and Priest had won their mini-battles and went at it in the ring. Lee hit a big headbutt on Priest and took him up the turnbuckle. Deadlift superplex by Lee, but as he crawled toward Priest, Dijakovic hit a moonsault on Lee for a two-count. Grimes reentered the ring and went at it with Dijakovic. Superkick and thrustkick by Grimes. German with a bridge by Grimes for two. All sold on the mat besides Grimes, who took Priest up a turnbuckle. Priest rallied and hit a rana on Grimes, who Lee caught. Dijakovic picked up Grimes and hit Feast Your Eyes. Priest dumped Dijakovic and hit The Reckoning on Lee and covered. Two-count, broken up by a big boot from Dijakovic, who was outside.
Dijakovic and Priest inside. Fists and knees exchanged. Big boots took both down. Both went for a chokeslam. Keith Lee popped into the frame and chokeslammed both to another big pop. “Go bask in his glory” chant. Lee wanted a cross-body on Grimes but he reversed for a very long two to a huge reaction. Grimes hit a moonsault on Priest outside. He hit the Cave In on Dijakovic on the ramp. Dijakovic and Priest were out of it on the outside. Grimes went up and waited for Lee to get to his feet, but he jumped right into a pair of palm strikes. Grimes was in control with some shots, but he got caught in a Spirit Bomb that finished for Lee.
WINNER: Keith Lee at 14:01.
No frills after the match. Lee soaked it up in the ring as Mauro promoted the North American Championship match against Roderick Strong in two weeks.
(Wells’s Analysis: On the PWT Talks NXT podcast last week, I advocated for Lee to get this win and then to win the North American Championship in his first attempt, so he’s not stuck behind other challengers for the NXT Championship and getting forgotten while waiting in line. If he doesn’t win the match, I’d advocate for him to win The Royal Rumble, though I’m fairly certain there’s no way around Roman winning the Rumble at this point. This was a strong four-way with all four getting their spots in and getting some near-falls. Grimes ate the pin, but just being put in this match does some good for him, and should be another step in his development as a top NXT star)
FINAL THOUGHTS: There are always a couple of big omissions, and Shayna Baszler wasn’t on the show (though keeping her off TV to build anticipation before a return makes sense) and Dakota Kai didn’t appear either (so as not to burn her out too quickly). The matches were all good-to-very-good tonight, though the pair of Dusty tags being heel-heel didn’t do them any favors from a crowd standpoint. Last week I called for Alex Shelley to be Kushida’s partner, but I was thinking he was tied up with ROH; it’s exciting to see that The Time Splitters will be on NXT next week – and I assume they’ll win to set up a match with UE. The Robert Stone bit felt like it walked in from another decade, and I look forward to seeing whether or not it works in today’s landscape. And, of course, the opening segment with the women was a definite winner and did a good job of building interest for their matches at TakeOver and Worlds Collide.
OR CHECK THIS OUT AT PROWRESTLING.NET: NXT New Year’s Evil, last week’s NXT TV poll results and grade, Darby Allin, CW Anderson, Alisha Edwards, Jack Gallagher, Chavo Guerrero Sr., Gary Albright
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