Final impact – HIT: This was an enjoyable. Impact made a concentrated effort to push their upcoming Victory Road special. Well, build the card is more accurate since the only match that had been official was the Eric Young vs. Eddie Edwards rematch. Good wrestling could be found in the Tennille vs. Grace and The North vs. Austin & Fulton matches.
Taya Valkyrie & Rosemary vs. Havok & Nevaeh – HIT: Taya Valkyrie makes good on her promise to Rosemary to help her out with her Havok and Nevaeh situation. The match was solid. Taya spent a lot of time selling for the more experienced tag team, but Rosemary and Taya eventually prevailed. Unfortunately, their celebration was short lived when Taya’s problems, Tasha Steelz and Kiera Hogan, attacked them from behind. Havok and Nevaeh, who have had recent issues with Steelz and Hogan, ran them off.
Deonna Purrazzo interview – PUSH: Deonna Purrazzo, with Kimber Lee at her side, put down Kylie Rae and extolled her greatness when Gia Miller informed her that she had been booked to face Susie at Victory Road. Purrazzo left in a huff. Later in the dressing room, Kylie found Susie and gifted her with a pair of kick pads for her match. After Kylie Rae left, Su Yung struggled to get free. This is just early set up. Let’s see where these storylines go.
Tenille Dashwood vs. Jordynne Grace – HIT: Jordynne Grace wanted a rematch with Tenille Dashwood since the referee missed Tenille tapping out while he was engaged with Kaleb “with a ‘K’”. Tenille won that match. This time she wasn’t so fortunate, tapping out to Grace, giving each woman a win against the other. It was a good competitive match, but you can tell they are saving up stuff for a fight on a “bigger” stage. Later, Tenille and Kaleb (with a “K”) ran into Grace backstage and Tenille told Kaleb (with a “K”) to handle her. He challenged Grace to a match at Victory Road on Tenille’s behalf, much to Tenille’s chagrin.
Moose continues his search – STILL WEIRD: After attacking an innocent bystander thinking it was EC3, again, Moose is visited by another projection of EC3 saying that it was time to hold a funeral for TNA and to burn down the TNA Heavyweight Championship and the nostalgia it represented once in for all. EC3 cordially invited Moose to attend the funeral and pay his last respects. I like this but it’s time to get to the next chapter in this story.
Rich Swann recovery update – IT’S LOOKING GOOD: We got a video package showing Rich Swann rehabilitating his injury exacerbated by Eric Young. The doctor said it’s looking good. It was fine solid stuff to garner sympathy for Rich.
Heath and Rhino – LET’S GET ON WITH IT: Rhino and Heath talked about how well the social media and ad campaign was doing. When Heath revealed that he paid for it with his credit card and that he still had the wad of cash, Hernandez along with Reno Scum attacked them and took the cash. Later Rhino confronted Scott D’Amore and Scott was too busy to deal with things, but he agreed to give Heath and Rhino an unsanctioned match against Reno Scum, provided that Heath signed a waiver. Rhino agreed.
Rascalz vs. Good Brothers – HIT: The Rascalz, Dezmond Xavier and Zachary Wentz were tired of the Good Brothers, Doc Gallows and Karl Anderson, disrespecting them so they challenged the Good Brothers to tonight’s match. The got their butts whooped. The Good Brothers dominated the match, and outside of a hope spot for the Rascalz, took care of business. Then the Good Brothers got on the mic. Earlier, they had a run in with the Motor City Machine Guns backstage, and now the Good Brothers finally laid out their mission statement. They are after the championship and are getting the shot at Chris Sabin and Alex Shelly at Bound for Glory.
Dreamer and Hawkins – HIT: After having warned Tommy Dreamer that if Dreamer ever saw him, Brian Meyers, walking down the hall that he’d better walk the other way, they met in a hallway. They played western theme music as they approached each other like gunfighters. They exchanged words and Myers made a move on Dreamer, but Dreamer quickly countered and overpowered Myers. The music cut off suddenly as Myers panicked and begged Dreamer to be a professional. Dreamer let go and challenged him to a match at Victory Road. Good character work between these two. Myers attempts to look like a bad ass only to wilt at the first sign of trouble is solid mid-card stuff.
Johnny Swinger vs. Fallah Bahh – PUSH: While I like the wedding of John E. Bravo to Rosemary storyline, this match felt like they were just spinning their wheels to buy time as other things develop. Johnny Swinger and Fallah Bahh were wrestling to determine who will be Bravo’s best man for the wedding. Swinger knocked out Bahh with a stuffed monkey. Bravo showed some newfound assertiveness and forced the referee to restart the match which Bahh then promptly won. This fit the story they are telling but it was very, meh. They may be planting the seeds for Bravo to return to refereeing though.
Rohit Raju interview – HIT: Gia Miller showed incredible unprofessionalism when she dared to call Rohit Raju’s last defense of his title “cheap”. After Rohit kindly set her straight, he put out a “Defeat Rohit” open challenge for Victory Road. TJP showed up to claim a spot but Rohit said the challenge is only open to those who haven’t had a shot at him yet. TJP handled rejection the best way, with a copy of “The Notebook” and some Ben and Jerry’s. (TJPs delivery here was great.)
Eddie Edwards seeks to confront his attacker – HIT: Eddie Edwards, who has a match with Eric Young at Victory Road, was attacked while leaving the building last week. Eddie calls out Eric thinking he’s behind it. Reality gets hacked and there is Sami Callihan, free at last from the clutches of the Katie Forbes angle. Eddie accused Sami, who denied it, and Sami promised to show Eddie who the culprit was instead. Sami hacked reality again and behind stood a complete, absolutely, we-have-never-seen-him-so-whacked out Ken Shamrock who laid out Eddie while Sami laughed. Eric Young watched backstage enjoying what he was seeing. (I’m thinking what a threat an EY and Sami Callihan team-up would be.) Eric then talks about his match with Eddie at Victory Road and Rich Swann at Bound for Glory.
The North vs. Ace Austin & Madman Fulton – HIT: I will be savoring every match with the North since Ethan Page’s contract is coming up and I have really been enjoying both him and Josh Alexander’s act. Dis match did not disappoint. The start of the match served as a showcase for Madman Fulton as he dominated both men single handedly while Ace Austin sat in the corner, letting his monster do all the hard work, eventually getting in when he was sure to have the overwhelming advantage. Eventually the North took over and punished the opportunist, eventually getting the win. The Good Brothers, Doc Gallows and Karl Anderson came out to confront the North, but Ace and Fulton attacked him from behind and the donnybrook turned into a full-on brawl. The North, Ace, and Fulton teamed up, but the Motor City Machine Guns, Chris Sabin and Alex Shelly ran in to get in on the action. They went off air as the four teams brawled in and around the ring.
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