VIP AUDIO 9/9 – The Fix w/Todd & Wade (pt. 3 of 3): Mailbag – Alternative reactions for Khan to Punk conduct, did Reigns push pave way for AEW launch, is Punk the Michael Jordan of locker room leaders, Ibushi, McMahon Kiss My Ass Club, more (94 min.)


SHOW SUMMARY: In part three of this week’s three-part episode of The Fix with PWTorch VIP analyst Todd Martin and host PWTorch editor Wade Keller, they cover these topics:

  • Did the poor booking of Roman Reigns as a babyface for years help create fertile ground for AEW?
  • Thoughts on William Regal on a podcast talking about NXT UK’s purpose perhaps being to hurt the local UK scene?
  • A response to a case for having Roman Reigns drop the WWE Title at the Clash at the Castle.
  • Are there parallel between C.M. Punk and Michael Jordan in terms of locker room leadership shortcomings?
  • Is it time to reevaluate some early 2000s Vince McMahon skits in light of recent revelations about him?
  • Could MJF still end up an inadvertent babyface in all of this?
  • What is the latest on Kota Ibushi?
  • Why did Tay Conti change her last name on TV?
  • What are Todd’s favorite movies the last five years?
  • More thoughts on “banger” vs. “dope” and who can get away with saying such words.
  • Have there ever been audibles called mid-match to change a finish because of crowd response or other reasons? (This includes Wade sprinkling in some answers texted to him during the show when he asked his sources during the show if they had heard of such instances.)
  • Thoughts on Triple H being given the WCW Title by Eric Bischoff.
  • Thoughts on the Billy & Chuck wedding.
  • Thoughts on Hot Lesbian Action angle on WWE TV.
  • Is there any pro wrestling history from the pre-1880 era?
  • Thoughts on potential candidates to be a locker room leader in AEW.
  • Some push-back on Cardiff being the smallest capital city in the world.
  • Was the Shawn Michaels-Bret Hart personal situation really a boom to WWF business?
  • What is the value of tension in a modern-day locker room? Does this past weekend’s happenings change that view?
  • Choose the better of two options for Tony Khan’s handling of C.M. Punk’s insubordination during the media Q&A.
  • Do some Jon Moxley comments about Punk on TV take on new meaning in light of this weekend’s events when he said Punk wouldn’t be around much longer and has a franile mind, fragile ego, and fragile body?
  • Even more on “dope” and “banger.”
  • Are there signs Paul Levesque isn’t as enamored with Austin Theory as Vince McMahon was?
  • Since Theory isn’t ready to believably cash in the MITB briefcase on a World Champion, how about he cashes in on the U.S. or IC Champ?
  • The naming of Clash at the Castle compared to Quake by the Lake.
  • Is Claudio making too much of his ROH Title win being his first World Title considering what ROH is?
  • The ending of the Casino Ladder match.
  • Thoughts on the rating this week and whether the controversy helped draw viewers.
  • Some additional thoughts on less commented on statements by Punk at the Q&A.
  • How would Vince McMahon or Steve Austin reacted in 1998 if someone tried to undercut Austin in a babyface promo battle? Are there historical equivalents to Hangman Page and Punk?
  • Is there a history to the phrase “worker’s rights” in pro wrestling or is that a new cultural thing Hangman was referring to?
  • Details on the NWO spoofing Ric Flair on Nitro.
  • Did Buff Bagwell really try to steal money from Conrad Thompson at Starrcast a few years ago?
  • Would you rather have heat with Punk or Kevin Wacholtz?
  • What’s the fuss about wrestlers fighting backstage and having their titles taken away? Don’t wrestlers fight backstage all the time on camera?



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