FREE PODCAST 3/28 – PWTorch Dailycast – The Deep…Dive: Jeff of Jeff vs. The World returns to talk about the week in wrestling – how the empty arena shows are doing, what if AEW hadn’t signed their deal and the counterfactuals that causes, plus a Trey bonus dive (82 min)

March 28, 2020

SHOW SUMMARY: Jeff Jones of Jeff vs the World returns to chat about the happenings this week in wrestling with a focus on the question “Is wrestling necessary in a pandemic?” Rich and Jeff explore […]

VIP 2000 BACK ISSUE – Pro Wrestling Torch #594 (March 18, 2000): Cover Story analysis of upcoming changes in TV landscape with WWF leaving USA Network for TNN, coverage of ECW’s Living Dangerously PPV, Keller’s feature editorial looking at pros and cons of potential of ECW taking WWF’s spot on USA Network, more

March 28, 2020

We are now posting PWTorch Digital Newsletter PDFs for the year 1997 for the first time ever. These issues from 1997 have never been made available in their original format since their original printing press […]

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